Vanessa: I can make you help me you know.
Blair: Oh, it makes jokes too!
Vanessa: Everyone knows you and Marcus broke up, but no one knows why. [shows picture]
Blair: Even you wouldn't stoop that low.
Vanessa: Blackmail works so well for you ... maybe I'm missing out!

Vanessa: [on Dan's wallet] What is this? Oh, it's where you keep your ... hundred dollar bills.
Dan: Do you know how hard it is to break one of those things? I don't know why they even make them.

Penelope: Oh, hello, weird documentary girl.
Vanessa: Oh, hello, sad Blair wannabe.

Vanessa: I always thought Serena was the reason you fell into the Upper East Side. But it was more than that.
Dan: Vanessa, seriously, this is none of your business.
Vanessa: You always wanted in. Maybe more than Jenny.
Dan: Of course the irony is, is that if I ever show it to anyone it'll guarantee my outsider status forever.

Dan: Why'd you tell him to stay with that woman? Y'know, I thought you liked him.
Vanessa: I do. That's why I did it.
Dan: I don't understand.
Vanessa: She told me that if Nate left her, she would go to the FBI and tell them where Nate's dad is hanging out. So ... I really didn't have a choice.

[still playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass twice. [drinks faster]

[to Nate, about Chuck] We're not a couple, it's just physical.

I came to you because I wanted to do something besides feel sorry for myself, but all it's been has been sleazy platitudes and you staring at my boobs.

Olivia: Have you ever ...
Dan: Me? No. Have I? No. I ... No. Never. Have you?
Olivia: Once. But it was in a movie, so it doesn't really count.
Vanessa: Not me. No.

Vanessa: Imagine if Serena had hit her head a little harder. Or the car rolled, or ...
Dan: Vanessa ... I love you.
Vanessa: [casually] I love you too.
Dan: [long pause] That's not the reaction I was hoping for.
Vanessa: Dan, sometimes when people are under emotional stress, they say things that they don't really mean.
Dan: Yeah. I think I read that somewhere.

Serena: Well at least now we know why Charlie's been acting so unbalanced.
Vanessa: Yeah. Because she is.

Dan: What are you doing here? This is Serena's brother's birthday party. It's not okay for you to just show up here.
Vanessa: All I want to do is apologize for the part I played in what happened to her. I had no idea that that was Juliet's plan. And you know me, Dan. I would never be okay with things going that far.
Dan: Yeah, that's what my sister said before she did the right thing and came clean. You, on the other hand, pointed the finger at her and left town.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.