Joe: The moments before you know the truth about somebody that are the most exciting.
Victory [toasting]: To the moments before.

Nico: Breathe.
Victory: I can't. I feel like someone botoxed my entire body.

Victory: If the sketches were stolen, we need to speak to the men who did the move.
Joe: Somehow I doubt men with names like Bubba and Bones would know where to sell a cocktail dress design.

Wendy: If anyone can carry off a straight jacket, it's you.
Victory: Thanks, I do love a buckle

Your radiant and it's bugging me. Is it the Hollywood Cookie Diet?

Joe: ... my former dentist
Victory: Well aren't you gonna say hello?
Joe: Why should I? He gave me a sinus infection.

listening to music in the back seat of your car isn't a date, Joe. it's high school.

Victory: You're early
Roy: I like to get in at least half an hour before my boss
Victory: Well that might be tricky since I live here

Victory [about a passerby's butt]: How do i get one of those? Lunges?
Nico: Yeah to a doctor on 73rd and Fifth.

Victory: Now I look like this needy person that always needs to be saved.
Joe: What makes you think I'm saving you?

Joe: My times is worth about $5,000 a minute. I'm not saying you're not worth. If I had called you myself and you turned me down it would have cost me $20,000.
Victory: Surely you could afford that.
Joe: It's not what I can afford, it's what I choose to afford. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. So you know if I choose to be with you it's cause I want to be.

You can't take it with you, but if you could, [these earrings] is what you'd want to be buried in.

Lipstick Jungle Quotes

I can't think less of you. You've smelled like mop & glow for the last week.

Victory [to Roy]

Wendy: Sounds like someone is driving without breaks.
Victory [whispers]: Gun it.