Good luck returning my ass


Wilhelmina: He ran through his trust fund in three years. for his 26th birthday, he tried to buy an island and JLo
Bradford: Shakria

Christina has to empty the closet, she has to make room for the spring collection. You really should take a trip down there Betty, they might have a pair of socks your size

Marc: I brought you a present... whole wheat
Wilhelmina: Too late, yesterday was carb day

[after breaking into the donation box...]
Marc: Is it all singles?
Wilhelmina: Poor people are so cheap...

What'd you drive in the old country? a goat? Now a cab..

Of course I approve Betty. This is Bruno Jacobs, hun. He saw Madonna while she was giving birth. Made her belly sweat look like diamonds.

Who on this staff would willingly eat something that's 15 grams of fat per serving?


...Alexis got community service. If I had known this is how the system works I'd have tried to kill more often!

Wilhelmina: How's my baby?
Marc: I'm fine Willy. Oh Willy... you know how i get when you call me that. Oh, that baby. Gestating nicely I'm told though Christina is getting a little too comfortable at the spa. She requested a few extra days for her and her terminal Scotsman.
Wilhelmina: Make sure she's aware her contract with me specifically prohibits extra curricular womb activities.

Oh Marc, my adorable but short sighted minion

Marc: I'm completely lost, just tell me how to feel. Why don't you Wilhelmina: Get your lips off my ass and the DA on phone.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.