Zack [carrying a toilet upstairs]: This thing was way cheap on Craigslist.
Davis: This is a used toilet?!

Billie: Zack, this is Sully.
Zack: Hey dude!
Sully: Good to know ya'. [points to Billie's belly] I'm a big fan of your work.

Billie: What are you doing?
Zack: I'm looking out for you.
Billie: Well, stop it. I have been dating since... oh my God! Since you were in kindergarten.

Zack: Look, I know it doesn't look like it, but I'm doing all this because I care about you.
Billie: I know you do, but there has to be a universe where I get to be happy too. Please be happy with me.

Zack: You know, I bet my buds I could go a whole day eating and drinking only things that end in 'tos.' Mojitos, burritos, taquitos.
Billie: I did that once, but with things that end in 'oni.' Pepperoni, spumoni, calzone. But there wasn't a bet involved. My sorority was just full of bulimics

James: You should know that I know Krav Maga.
Zack: Fine, call him. I'll fight him, too!

Zack: You said you were thirty-two.
Billie: That was when I thought I was never going to see you again

Zack: Can you believe that guy?
Davis: Yeah, he's like a really handsome Darth Vader