Meredith: (Der kisses her) Hey, so, ah, we have to move the wedding up for Izzie. She's... (shakes her head)
Derek: Ok. Packing up your mom's journals?
Meredith: Yeah. You know, there's nothing in these for me. I keep thinking, but I dunno. I don't wanna throw them away so I was gonna give them to the Chief. And, he can come to the wedding. If you want. He can come.
Derek: Ok.

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Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd
Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 21: "No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance)"
Grey's Anatomy
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Meredith Grey Quotes, Derek Shepherd Quotes, Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes, Grey's Anatomy Quotes
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Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes

Alex: Chicken.
George: Good chicken.
Meredith, Cristina: It's chicken.
Izzie: I know it's chicken! I wanna know what it tastes like.
Alex: Tastes like chicken.
Izzie: I'm having surgery today.
Bailey: Maybe, if the meds are strong.
Izzie: I am maybe having surgery today, and as such I cannot taste the chicken for myself. So I really need you guys to tell me what it tastes like. I need to nail down this dinner, so I can announce it on Meredith and Derek's wedding website.
Meredith: There's a website?
Izzie: So, can you please be a little more articulate than just chicken?

[narrating] Remember when we were little, and we would accidentally bite a kid on the playground? Our teachers would go "Say you're sorry." And we would say it, but we wouldn't mean it. Because the stupid kid we bit, totally deserved it. But, as we get older, making amends isn't so simple. After the playground days are over, you can't just say it. You have to mean it. Of course, when you become a doctor, sorry is not a happy word. It either means you're dieing and I can't help. Or, it means this is really gonna hurt.
