J.D.'s Narration: Even if I wanted to put my pride on the line and go tell Elliot how I feel, I can't. I have to work tonight.
Dr. Cox: Say, Newbie. Seeing as how you are partially responsible for me being the new Residency Director, I'm gonna go ahead and give you the rest of the night off. I... I don't know, It's just kind of my own personal way of saying... I can't actually stand the sight of you.
J.D.'s Narration: I still don't think I should go see her.
Woman over loudspeaker: Doctor's Leave and Winnerback please report to the ER. Leave and Winnerback.
Man: (gives bouquet of flowers to J.D.) Here, buddy. Baby wasn't mine.

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Perry Cox
Scrubs Season 3 Episode 4: "My Lucky Night"
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Perry Cox Quotes, Scrubs Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Troy: Ooh! Your face is red! Like a strawbrerry!
J.D.'s Narration: Pride's a funny thing...
Janitor: Don't have kids.

Dr. Kelso: So, shall we all just agree that Dr. Steadman is our new residency director and get the hell out of here?
Dr. Steadman: If anyone wants to stop by my condo to celebrate, my husband made sangria!
Dr. Kelso: Mmmmmmmm!
Dr. Cox: Howdy, fellas. Don't ya-don't ya dare get up - I don't want to see any broken hips.