Hey, Peggy? Yes, I noticed the turtleneck choice in August, and can only assume it's got something to do with that grapefruit you store in your trachea.

Dr. Cox

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Perry Cox
Scrubs Season 4 Episode 4: "My First Kill"
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Perry Cox Quotes, Scrubs Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

J.D.'s Narration: Mrs. Carter?
Dr. Cox: Ooh, did I trick Newbie? I did, didn't I! And now of course he has to live in fear of when he will kill. When, when, when when when when when when when when?
J.D.: You know what, I don't appreciate lying.

Molly: What are you doing?
Elliot: Oh, just waiting for Mr. Phillips. He, uh, showed up the first couple of days, but he's missed his last three rehab appointments.
Molly: I'll wait with you.
Elliot: Thanks. I got my eyebrows waxed.
Molly: They look really good.