My exercise video is dropping soon. It's called "Jenna gets hard."


Don't drag my best friend, TV, into this.


[as Princess Leia] I really don't think it's fair for me to be on a jury since I'm a hologram.


They're probably having beach sex. Which is the third best sex after elevator and White House.


[on Soledad O'Brien] I wipe the floor with that bitch!


Jack: Devon, I'm straighter than you are gay, and I leave particles of guys like you in my wind. I'm not afraid of you.
Devon: Yeah? Well you should be.
Jack: Let's just see how it all shakes out in the meeting.
Devon: Yeah, let's... Oh, by the way, little slim-waisted birdie in a page jacket told me you got nothing! You're going down.
Jack: No, Devon. I don't do that.

If you've just joined us, we're with Tracy Jordan, who is giving guitar icon Peter Frampton enigmatic clues about a secret treasure. Stay with us.

Larry King

Wesley: There's only one Wesley Snipes in this world.
Liz: You know, there isn't.

I don't want to go back to England. I can't suffer through the London Olympics — we're not prepared, Liz. Did you see the Beijing Opening Ceremonies? We don't have control over our people like that!


Tracy: [on his new movie] Garfield 3: Feline Groovy. It's a pun. Because cats' paws have grooves. They're paying me one million teacher salaries.

I know. People wear flip flops to church, and the NBA tattoo situation is out of control.


Show her the ugly duckling has turned into a vaguely ethnic swan.
