Teddy: I enjoy watching beautiful girls beg.
Adrianna: You're evil.

Teddy is amazing. Trust me, Teddy is amazing.

Adrianna [to Navid]

Me and Annie are doing our own thing now. I'm done dealing with her crap.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.


I feel free. New year. New Dixon.


Me and Dixon, we have something really special. Just because we made a mistake doesn't mean it's over.


I thought if I lost Dixon, I wouldn't be able to breathe... and I can't breathe.


You and me, we're done. Why don't you text Ethan and cry on his shoulder about it?


Adrianna: I wanna be No Drama Adrianna.
Navid: Okay, fine. I'll just be No Sex Navid.

We've mastered the waiting thing. I thought it was time to... not wait.


I may be a lot of things. But I am not a cheating skank.


Annie: Screw you, Dixon!
Dixon: Screw you, too, Annie.

90210 Season 2 Quotes

Teddy: I gotta say. I like the way you handle balls.
Silver: The way you say that, it almost sounds sexual.

Naomi: Am I the only one that thought [Monica Lewinsky] had real talent as a bag designer?
Silver: Yes.