Danny: We can sit here and lie to each other all day long if you want.
Mob Boss: You want the truth?
Danny: You got those shoes at Payless?

Reporter: What do you think about Mayor Chase's policy of welcoming illegal immigrants?
Frank: The mayor may think he's doing good. But the truth is, these poor immigrants are made part of his game show, where he brings them up on the stage and dumps them in a system that is overwhelmed and unable to handle them. If the mayor really wants to do good, he can start by giving the police department the resources we need to actually help these immigrants.

Eddie: Hands behind your back.
Man: What the hell? I didn't do anything.
Eddie: Just go with it. We're trying to save your life.
[Badillo arrests the other man]
Other Man: Seriously?
Badillo: You held a man at gunpoint. That's against the law.
Man: I know the law. I'm a retired cop.

Bugs: What do you want, Detective Reagan? You should have let me kill Reggie.
Danny: I couldn't let you do that.
Bugs: Why not? He killed Marcus! That's okay but somehow Reggie gets to live?
Danny: Look, I know what you're going through. I had a brother who was murdered too.
Bugs: You don't understand anything about me. You still have a brother. And you should be nicer to him.

Danny: If you live by the book, you gotta expect you'll die by it too.
Frank: I don't think I have a choice.
Danny: There's always a choice. It just isn't always what you want.
Frank: How do you do it? I mean, you want something and you get it.
Danny: You mean, how do I be a dick? Seriously, I think the key is not caring what anyone thinks. People don't like what I do, so be it. Baez doesn't agree with my choices, here's the keys, you drive.

Sid: Abigail had my back, now I'm going to have hers.
Frank: Sid, that's not advisable.
Sid: I don't care.
Frank: You're dangerously close to modified assignment yourself.

Garrett: When you say do nothing, you don't really mean do nothing, do you?
Frank: I don't know how many ways I can say it.
Garrett: Really? So you're really not going to do anything to help her?

Sid: There was a bit of a scuffle but we should let it blow over.
Garrett: If the press gets wind of this, it will blow up!
Sid: So don't let it!
Frank: What am I missing here? I feel like I don't have a high enough security clearance. Sid, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. What's going on?

Eddie: So what happened, exactly? He showed up at a public coffee shop and did what, exactly?
Woman: Nothing, because I ran away.

First we find out Grandpa used to smoke pot, then we learn that he went around naked on the beach with Grandma.


Baker: Despite our best efforts, the dam has broke.
Frank: Do I want to know what the headlines say?
Baker: I think Stop and Ffrisky wins the day.

Baez: Were the witnesses lying or just racist?
Danny: Probably neither. Some did misidentify the race, but I think people filled in the blanks when it came to the face.
Baez: People do go off half-cocked these days.
Danny: The problem is, if we get it wrong they're going to go off half-cocked on us.