I'm sorry Madeline for everything. Especially for pushing you into Michelle Obama from behind and then running away.


Every time you talk, I hear that sound that plays when PacMan dies.


Her mind finally snapped, like a stale breadstick.


“The Squad” is the best book I ever read, and I’ve read 15 books.


Terry: Tell me the plan; I want in!
Jake: What? You do?
Terry: Yeah, Terry loves love!
Jake: Then why didn't you back me up in there?
Terry: Because Terry also loves hedging.
Jake: Terry loves hedging? That's new.
Terry: No, it's classic Terry. Look, I always play both sides till the last possible minute; everyone knows that!
Jake: That's not fair. Everyone's so hard on me! I want a public show of support for my plan.
Terry: Can't do it. I don't know what's so tough for you to understand here. I love the scheme; I want to be a part of it. But I think it's gonna fail, and I don't want people to think I was a part of it.
Jake: Fine, I'll take what I can get.

And now, a message of hope. Everything is garbage. You find something you care about, and it's taken from you. Your colleagues, your dream job, your mango yoghurt. Never love anything. That's the lesson.


My mother cried when I was born because she knew that she'd never be better than me.


Gina: Oh my God, Amy that’s so cool that you still live with your grandmother.
Amy: I live alone! This is my stuff. I like quilts.
Gina: Stop...each sentence is getting sadder.

Amy: Didn't work.
Jake: Ugh, I knew it! I got bum nards!

I think I am...getting a text message. Bloop! There it is.


Awwww gross! Come out of an egg next time!


Jake: How many times do I have to say it, she's like a sister.
Boyle: That's what Luke said about Leia!
Jake: Hey! Luke didn't know! No one knew!