Sarge, with all due respect, I am gonna completely ignore everything you just said.


Jake: Alright, we need a distraction. Do you have anything we can throw?
Boyle: I have a dog tag.
Jake: That is bad ass Boyle... Nope it's an actual tag for a dog.
Boyle: Molly. She was my poodle growing up. You never forget your first.
Jake: Your first what?
Boyle: Dog.
Jake: That is never what people mean by that.

Yes, I suppose that's accurate. They do call me Tenacious Ray down at the country club because for the past ten years I've been suing them for discrimination. I'm very pleased with this assessment.

Captain Holt

You trying to goad me Peralta? I don't have to engage with mall cops but I will!


Do you know how many basic bitches would kill to have the same personality as me?


I’m describing a date, I don’t know what fathers and sons do but I’m gonna find out!


My girls were conceived to Bootylicious!


Beyoncé’s my spiritual twin. These tickets are my birthright.


They use the seesaw to press down on their necks until Fatty confesses.


Scully: Oh my god Jake, who’s flying the plane?!
Jake: Co-pilot, Scully, co-pilot.

Come on man, stop eating the islanders!


Don’t worry; I know what I’m doing. I saw the first 15 minutes of The Hurt Locker.
