Charles: Your yogurt's spoiled.
Terry: Who did this?!

Sir, wait! Oh, I didn't know I was going to catch up to you so fast. I don't know what to say now, I thought I'd have more running time to formulate it.


Team Santiago, let's lunch-a-bunch!


Randy: We're actually all staffed-up in maintenance.
Jake: We don't want your job, Randy!

Say, "I am Raymond Holt and my brain is rock hard!"


Allister: A brain should be soft and wet.
Holt: I wanted to say that, but Jake told me not too!
Jake: Yeah! Because it's gross.

You can use this. There are benefits to being underestimated.


Rosa, come on. You can't break a mouse in half. Oh wow, you did. Scary. You really earned your rep.


Holt: You need to focus because time is running out.
Jake: Oh yeah, that's what the F I'm talking about.

I should've done this last night, but I chickened out. We need to break up.


Have you still not watched Killing Eve? I've told you about it so many times!


I'm not gonna destroy her. I actually want her back. I really love her, Jake.
