Sara: You know, I actually shop at this store. They have some good stuff.
Detective Reed: They always sell body parts?

Detective Reed: You know I've heard of donating a body to science, but a thrift store?
Nick: I wonder how much the killer thought it was worth. I mean, times are tough.

Sara: Ash. Morphology.
Nick: Cremated human remains.
Sara: Cremains.

I'll fork out the extra dollars to go six feet under. I don't like the idea of being portable, in a vase being passed around from relative to relative. No, I'm gonna get a tombstone, something that someone can worship me at.


She could book you. You know she's a casting director for the L.V.P.D.


Nick: If I don't go to the gym now I won't go at all.
Ray: You feel the need to leave Doc Robbins a good looking corpse.
Nick: Something like that.

Nick: Hey, you got a big day in court today, don't you?
Ray: Yeah, Nate Haskell. Putting my game face on.
Nick: Well, I'd tell you to give him hell, but that's probably where he's going anyway.

Ray, when I look at you, when I see the anguish I've you... I feel... Nothing. Don't you think I want to feel something, Ray, emotions that a normal human being feels?

Nate Haskell

Nick: He seems scared, but I can't read him, Jim.
Brass: You shot his brother. Why would he want to save your life?

Retail therapy can be very effective in relieving that Armageddon stress


What is it with you? Are you some sort of bomb magnet?


Dr. Robbins: A racist gets stabbed before he can drown. Some would call that justice.
Ray Langston: We still have to call it murder.

CSI Quotes

Nick Stokes: Open bottle of Vodka, a used glass. What do you think; one last drink?
Greg Sanders: One last laugh.

Dr. Robbins: A racist gets stabbed before he can drown. Some would call that justice.
Ray Langston: We still have to call it murder.