Ray, no matter how much we think we can control life, there is always a little bit we can't. Once we accept that we can move on.

Dr. Robbins

Kacey: I know we don't have time, can I just make sure you don't blow us both up.
Nick: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Hey Bomber, we got your number


Haskell: I want Ray to live a long time so he thinks of me every time he unzips his pants
Brass: Yeah, he will remember what a putz you are.

Brass: You know what this button does.
Ray: Morphine clouds my thinking.

CSI Season 11 Episode 1 Quotes

Haskell: I want Ray to live a long time so he thinks of me every time he unzips his pants
Brass: Yeah, he will remember what a putz you are.

Brass: You know what this button does.
Ray: Morphine clouds my thinking.