I'd offer to help if I wasn't enjoying the view so much.


You're so hell bent on punishing JR for his sins that you're willing to destroy your relationship with your only son.

John Ross

I'm your son. Do you remember that or are you too damned addled to remember who I am?

John Ross

I'd like to know that I'm the only other, other woman.


If I have to live with this pain, so do you.


Are you deluded enough into thinking that he's going to leave his wife for you or are you just content in being his little piece on the side.


Maybe I'll be free to be my own man instead of the man everybody else wants me to be.

John Ross

Sometimes the only way to win is to show the other person you're not afraid to lose.

John Ross

I let you take one wall pretty soon all of Southfork is coming down.


Bobby: Over my dead body, boy.
John Ross: Don't tempt me Uncle Bobby.

I'm his wife. I should know who my husband is screwing so I can decide if I want to be with him.


What is it that's so hard wired in you that you keep the most important events in your life secret from your husband?


Dallas Quotes

I ain't a virgin but i ain't a whore either.


I've got family business to attend to before anybody knows I'm dying.
