It's amazing to be in a room full of people and feel absolutely alone.

Sue Ellen

Half of these people are here to make sure he's really dead. The other half are here for the free drinks.

John Ross

He was as hot as hell because he was as bad as they come.


You want to know who killed your father? Half the people in this phone book wanted to.

Sue Ellen

I spent my whole life hating the man and now I don't know how to feel.


Tell your husband that he has not idea what he started.


Things with J.R. were hardly ever as they appears.


I loved her because she wasn't you.


Harris: I have a right to know my mother.
Emma: No, you don't.

I never hated Dallas, just everything else that came with it.


When you talk about a means justifying an end you sound almost like them.


I appreciate you backing me on this Gary. You were always the one brother I could count on.


Dallas Season 2 Quotes

Love is for pussies.

John Ross

You know how they say men make up for their manhood by buying fast cars? Well, that goes double for diamonds.

John Ross