This is the street where I used to live and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in. And I saw what they brought with them. Beautiful dreams for the future. And quiet hopes for a better life. Not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No. From where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trip is to keep moving forward, to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point. Don't you think?

Mary Alice

Edie's not a slut. She's just popular with indiscriminate men.


This is what rainy days are good for. They make everything clean again. Especially on a street like Wisteria Lane, where everything can get so messy.

Mary Alice

Mary Alice: (voiceover) Lynette Scavo had a dream that night. It was one she had many times before...
Lynette: Hey, Mary Alice! Are you okay?
Mary Alice: (reading the blackmail note) Yes, thank you. I'm fine.
Lynette: OK! I'll see you later.
Mary Alice: (voiceover)... but this night something changed.
Lynette: (walks towards her) No, you're not. I can tell. Please, tell me what's wrong. Let me save you.
Mary Alice: You can't.
Lynette: Why not?
Mary Alice: Sweetie, we can't prevent what we can't predict.
Lynette: Isn't there anything I can do?
Mary Alice: Yes, you can enjoy this beautiful day. We get so few of them.
(Lynette looks at the sky and smiles. But when she turns around, Mary Alice is gone.)
Mary Alice: (voiceover) This was the last time Lynette would ever dream of me. And for her sake, I'm grateful.

We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring, sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves

Mary Alice

(narrating) The act itself never varies, but each kiss conveys a meaning all it's own. It can mean a husband's eternal devotion (shot of Tom and Lynette passionantely kissing in bed)Or a wife's enormous regret (shot of Gabrielle giving Carlos a quick kiss) It can symbolize a mother's growing concern (Shot of Betty kissing Caleb lightly) Or a lover's growing passion (shot of Andrew and Justin passionantely making out) But whatever it's meaning, (shot of Edie and Karl kissing) each kiss reflects a basic human need (shot of Alberta Frome kissing her cat) The need to connect to another human being (shot of Bree kissing her fingers, and placing those fingers on a photo of Rex.) This desire is so strong, it's always amazing when some people don't understand it. (Shot of Paul watching Julie and Zach kiss.)

Mary Alice

Gabrielle: If you ever hurt me again, I will kill you.
Carlos: If you ever leave me for another man, I'll kill you.
Gabrielle: Boy, with all this passion, isn't it a shame that we're not having sex?

Bree: Perception is reality, Andrew. And if people perceive me to have a drinking problem, then I do. And I certainly don't want some idiotic judge using my hobby as an excuse to make you rich. So I'm simply going to give up my wine and become a recovering alcoholic.
Andrew: Good plan, but it'll never work. See, I'll bet you still end up coming to court hammered.
Bree: Oh, Andrew, you don't think I love you enough to give up alcohol?
Andrew: Look, I'm seventeen, all right? So, you can only keep me here for another year. Why not just let me go?
Bree: Because I'm not done with you yet. It's my job to teach you and you are not half the man I know you can be.
Andrew: Yeah, well, I got news for you. This is as good as I'm gonna get.
Bree: If I really thought that, I'd get a gun right now and kill us both.

This is my turn to flaunt. And I can't flaunt with a free piano.


Susan: Moby Dick?
Robin: It's not what you think. It's about a whale.

I haven't celebrated my birthday since the third time I turned 28!


Lynette: Now listen to me, you are going to behave. I will not be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood. And just so you know that I'm serious, I am. (She pulls out paper)
Porter: What's that?
Lynette: Santa's cell phone number!
Preston: How'd you get that?
Lynette: I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf. And if any of you acts up, so help me I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas! All right, are you willing to risk that!?

Desperate Housewives Quotes

Dr. Barr: Hey there. I was surprised to hear you wanted a session.
Bree: Well, there's nothing like being tied to a bed to change a girl's mind.
Dr. Barr: What do you wanna talk about?
Bree: Anything at all. As you said, I...I have a lot of issues.
Dr. Barr: Well, I assumed as much when you told the ridiculous story about your daughter running off with a murderer.
Bree: Saw right through that, did ya?
Dr. Barr: Well, I'm a trained professional, Bree. The human mind is my playground.
Bree: Well, I'm glad that you're having fun.

(to dead body) "Tu me manques, Monique" ("I Miss You Monique").
