You see, I think I can help her, in those early years, when I can help her get it right. And if I can, I must.


Oh you know Mary. She's always quite opaque.


Anna, you must prepare for the worst. I'm not saying it will happen, but you must prepare for it.


Whatever Matthew’s intentions, it is not a will.


Edna: And don't say I'm not good enough. If you were good enough for Lady Sybil Crawley, then I'm good enough for you.
Tom: Don't speak her name!

Mary: But what about Papa? I do love him.
Matthew: Love him, by all means. But believe in me.

Jimmy: Of course it was poker. You can't lose a fortune playing snap.
Molesley: I could.

Carson: I've arranged for Dame Melba's accompaniests to sleep with the male servants.
Robert: Well I doubt they would expect to sleep with the female ones.

Robert: He only wants to persuade you to write for his horrible paper.
Edith: Still, I think I will go. It seems rude not to, in a way, and I haven't been to London in ages.

Isobel: So you don't think I should have given Ethel a second chance.
Violet: I did not criticize your motives, but did you really consider? Ethel is notorious in the village.
Isobel: I don't think so.
Violet: I know so.

So you'd be uncomfortable, working for a spymaster. I'm disappointed in you. And I always thought you were fond of me.


Bates: Kiss me. Please. Or tell me what's happened. One or the other.
Anna: Don't bully me.
Bates: Anna, you're upset. You're unhappy and I don't know why. You say it's not me and I hope that's true, but there is a reason and I need to find out what it is. I won't press you now if it makes things worse, but in the end, I will find out.

Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert