Violet:The monarchy has thrived on magic and mystery, strip them away and people may think the royal family is just like us.
Isobel: Would that be so wrong?
Violet: Well, only if they want to stay in Buckingham Palace.

Mary: Obviously, this is very shocking to your generation.
Violet: Don't let us hide behind the changing times my dear, this is shocking to most people in 1924.

Tom: Well if you love me, you will support me.
Mary: I suppose I have too.

Violet: I agree. Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.
Isobel: Oh, you only say that to sound cleaver.
Violet: I know. You should try it.

Because how ever much the couple may strive to be honest, no one is ever in possession of the facts.


How flattering. We go to bed together and you wake up.


Miss Bunting: Have I finished us before we ever really even got started?
Tom: You pitted yourself against them from the start. How can you retreat from that position?
Miss Bunting: You mean I have made it them or me?
Tom: Haven't you? You despise the family, but I think you forget that my wife was one of them. My child is one of them. Where does that leave me?
Miss Bunting: don't you despise them? Really?
Tom: No, I don't. I would like things to change, but I don't think in black and white terms anymore.
Miss Bunting: Well I do.

Violet: She keeps talking about her mother being infirm, but I am infirm why doesn't she think about that?
Isobel: You are as infirm as Windsor Castle.

I am afraid that you have read somewhere that rudeness in old age is amusing, which is quite wrong.


Charles: You know you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Mabel: I'm going.
Charles: Well, what shall we do with your food.
Mable: Eat it. And I hope it chokes you.

Mrs. Patmore: It is good to hear advice from a man of the world.
Carson: Well, I like to do what I can.
Mrs. Hughes: We feel thoroughly protected.

Mary: I am tempted to remind them of what they have been missing.
Anna: You would never be that heartless.

Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert