Mr. Carson: Now, if I was a gentleman, I wouldn't want to know.
Mrs. Hughes: But you're not.
Mr. Carson: Fortunately.

Because when two people love each other, you understand, the most terrific fun!


Every relationship has its ups and downs.

Miss Hughes

Violet: You're a cruel little miss, aren't you? I'd feel sorry for Larry, if I didn't dislike him so much.
Miss Crookshank: I shall forget you said that, but you should go now. Much more, and we may feel awkward when we meet. Which we are bound to do.
Violet: I think not, Miss Crookshank. Not if I see you first.

Tom: I'm sorry, but I can't turn into someone else just to please you.
Violet: Mores the pity.

Cora: Don't worry about me, I'm an American. Have gun will travel!
Robert: Oh, thank God for you.

Denker: Oh, Mr. Spratt. I know you resent me.
Spratt: Why would I resent you?
Denker: Because I'm interesting, because I'm exotic, because I'm attractive.
Spratt: Oh, dear me, this is worse than I thought. Do you always have trouble distinguishing fact from fiction?

What a wonderful life we're going to have.

Bertie [to Edith]

May I remind you, Mr. Barrow, that in this house Mr. Bates is a wronged man seeking justice. If you have any problems with that definition, I suggest you eat in the yard.

Mr. Carson

Cora: You are being tested. And you know what they say my darling. Being tested only makes you stronger.
Edith: I don't think it's working with me.

I'm not foul Mr. Carson. I'm not the same as you, but I'm not foul.


Marriage is a long business. There's no getting out of it for our kind of people. You will live 40, 50 years with one of these women. Just make sure it's the right one.


Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert