Roxie: Be a kid! Act crazy. Sneak out of the house. Chase boys. Rebel!
Mia: Mom, it's not rebelling if you tell me to do it.
Roxie: Yeah, but it's still fun!

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see the three of you together. It is...mmmm. It's majestic.


Last week, he [Will] asked me how I was, and I told him I had a yeast infection.n!


I'm starting to think that you're married to that hammock.


I'm really sick of this town, with its dumb, old legends and myths. Witches and water. It just makes us all seem like dumb, gullible hicks.


Penny: The man that you've had the most pathetic crush on for the last two years finally asks you out and you say, 'No'?
Joanna: Don't call me pathetic.
Penny: I didn't call you pathetic. I said that your crush is pathetic.

Roxie: You think you're really adorable, don't you?
Darryl: I think you think I'm really adorable.
Roxie: I think you're not as adorable as you think I think you are

Eastwick Quotes

(voiceover) Sometimes, those with the most powerful abilities are hiding in the most unlikely places.


Chicken hands, you gonna stare at my boobs all day or you gonna buy something?
