Bob, I will strip down naked and break dance through Beverly Hills, if it will get you not to sign that deal with Alan

Ari: I had a nightmare.
Mrs. Gold: Was I with another man?
Ari: No, Vince was

Drama: Nobody appreciates their girlfriend, until they get herpes from the next broad. Know what I'm sayin?
Vince: No, I don't.

Lloyd: It says, Alan will see you at 10:30.
Ari: It's 10:10, how the fuck am I gonna make it to the Valley?
Lloyd: By running, Ari, by running!

Drama: This is every agency card any of us have been handed over the past five years.
Eric: You saved them all?
Drama: Yeah, like there's something weird about that?!

Vince: Even after you fuck up like this, you can't even muster the strength to just, as my friend, look me in the face and say, I'm sorry.
Ari: That's all you wanted?
Vince: That's all I wanted.
Ari: Then I'm sorry Vin.
Vince: It's too late.
Ari: Vince
Eric: Ari, your fired

Drama: I give em a six for decor. I mean, what kind of self respecting agency has fake plants in their lobbies?
Turtle: I don't think their fake, Drama, there's a girl over there watering them.
Eric: Maybe the water's fake, huh, Drama?

Drama: Didn't even offer us a drink. That's a zero for service.
Turtle: But still, I'll give em a ten for amenities if she let me service that ass

Dana Gordon: I need to talk to you.
Ari: You know, Dana, the only time I've ever enjoyed talking to you is when your mouth has been full

Ari [pretending to be Eric on the phone]: Hey bro listen, I hate to cancel on such short notice, but Vince isn't going to be able to make lunch. Sorry, bro.
Andy's Assistant: Oh my god. Hold on, let me get Andy.
Ari: Ah, you know, you don't need to do that. Just tell him he's a great big fag

Drama: The guy doesn't even bother to call you?
Turtle: I'd say that's a substantial point loss in the service area.
Drama: Forget about points, Turtle, that earns Left a bitch slap

Ari: Josh Weinstein! Are you fucking kidding me?!
Lloyd: I'm not and I tried to do the lunch cancellation trick but he was onto it somehow.
Ari: Josh fucking Weinstein! I don't believe it. I'd rather Vince fuck my wife!

Entourage Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Ari: I love you Dana Gordon.
Dana: You swore you would keep your mouth shut you slimy piece of shit!

Ari, you have one day to find me another job or the next time I see you at the Palm, I'm going to squeeze your fucking dick with a claw cracker!
