You should always assume I have your best interest at heart, even if I don't. It will make both our lives much easier.


Justin: Did you know that in San Francisco it's not illegal to be naked as long as you're not trying to arouse yourself or others?
Kate: Well I thought that was the whole point of being naked.

Justin: I'll be smarter.
Kate: Justin, you can only work with what God gave you.

Spencer: Lou never trusted my Dad. My Dad never trusted Lou. That's why they had lunch together every single week.
Lauren: To express their mutual distrust.
Spencer: Exactly.

You're putting Kate in charge of paperwork? Kate, who never does paperwork for anything, ever. I just found an unpaid American Express bill from 2003 in her desk drawer. But yes, if you want me to, I will tell her to get right on it.


Bo: I think Katie's right.
Kate: Kate, my name's Kate.

Have you ever heard the saying it takes sugar to get honey. If you use venom you will get venom.


Andrew: Thanks for saving my ass this morning.
Kate: Everybody needs something to sit on.

Lauren: What do you know about customs law.
Kate: We have books about it in the Law library.

Kate: Please, reschedule for later on today.
Leo: Great.
Kate: Why is that great?
Leo: I thought you were going to ask me to chase him down the stairs.

We don't board. We don't seize. We are not pirates.


It's good to check the bathroom lock twice, but it's even better to look under the stall door.


Fairly Legal Quotes

Kate: She's a bit obsessive, our step-mother. Don't you think?
Spencer: That's what Dad loved about her.
Kate: I thought that was her ass.
Spencer: There's that too.

We most definitely have a deal. There is no sex ever. And when we do have sex there is no spending the night.
