Can you teach Stanton and Damien the Franklin & Bash?


Peter: Either Wendell is the best actuary in the world...
Jared: Or he's a pathological serial killer.

Peter: Dogs can sense evil.
Jared: I think that's earthquakes, Buddy.

That desk goes back in Peter's office after you're done with your play date.


Is the death of honey not important?


Every bee deserves its day.


Rachel: What do you know about honey bees?
Damien: What don't I know about honey bees.

I can't take care of a kid. I can barely take care of myself.


Peter: At the risk of sounding completely ridiculous, Twinkie?
Charlie: Breakfast of champions.

Damien: What are you like secret royalty?
Rachel: Yeah, I'm Princess Khaleesi from the House Targaryon.

Carmen: I'm more comfortable in like, bars.
Rachel: I'm more comfortable in St. Bart's but I work here.

We don't have to believe in psychics. We just have to know the law.


Franklin & Bash Quotes

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


"Sorry, sorry. Jean Claude Van Damme marathon last night. Unavoidable.
