Hello! Pizza delivery for... I.C. Wiener? Aww, crud. I always thought by this point in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls.


Well, at least here you'll be treated with dignity. Now strip naked and get on the probulator.


Fry: If your programming told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?
Bender: I dunno, I'd have to check my programming... yup.

Leela: So, Fry. Was the moon everything you imagined it would be?
Fry: Eh. Close enough.

(singing) Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes,
Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes,
Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun,
Oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun,
Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes,
When she comes!
I'll be blastin' all the humans in the world,
I'll be blastin' all the humans in the world,
I'll be blastin' all the humans,
I'll be blastin' all the humans,
I'll be blastin' all the humans in the world,
In the world!


Fry: I never told anybody this, but a thousand years ago I used to look up at the moon and dream about being an astronaut. I just didn't have the grades, nor the physical endurance. Plus I threw up a lot and nobody liked spending a week with me.
Leela: A week would be a little much.

Well if the oxygen holds out we might live long enough to starve to death.


Leela: Hurry, before we freeze.
Bender: What do you mean "we", mammal?

Fry: Oh, Bender. You didn't touch the Crushinator, did you?
Bender: Of course not. A lady that fine you gotta romance first.

Farmer: Drops down to -173.
Fry: Fahrenheit or Celsius?
Farmer: First one, then th' other. And them spacesuits ain't a-heated so you ain't goin' nowhere 'till sunrise. You can sleep in the barn. Just don't be a-touchin' my three beautiful robot daughters. Y'hear?
Fry: Robot daughters?

Farmer: Trespassers, eh?
Fry: No, sir. We're amusement park patrons.
Farmer: Ooh, that's a wicked sinful place. Tilt-a-whirl's OK, but the rest is mighty wicked.
Leela: Our car broke down and we're out of oxygen. Can we borrow some?
Farmer: Huh, borry? Looky here, city girl, oxygen don't grow on trees.

Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation. But, I understand how you feel.
Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family.
Bender: No friends.
Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possible understand what it feels like to be so alone.
Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!