Leela: I guess I was so desperate to find out who I really was, I forgot who I really was.
Farnsworth: No harm done. In the many decades you'll work to repay me for that shipment of popcorn you destroyed, you'll have plenty of time to search for your true home.

Leela: Alright, Alkazar, I just have one last question for you.
Alkazar: What's that?
Leela: If you can change form, why didn't you change it in the one place that counts?

Leela: But why did you have all five weddings on the same day?
Alkazar: Hey, lady, you got any idea what it costs to rent a tux that changes shape?

Alkazar: Well, this is the real me. But I can explain: We all have needs. Mine was to make it with five weirdos and have them scrub my five castles. I gave you all what you wanted and of course I made a few bucks letting Pig watch through the two-way mirror. Can any of you say you wouldn't have done the exact same thing in my position?
Bender: He's a saint!

Alkazar: Leela, this must all be very confusing.
Leela: A little. That's why I've decided to hurt you until you explain it.

Do you, Leela, copy and paste his response till death do you part?


Preacherbot: Does anyone have a reason why this couple shall not be joined in the irrevocable shackles of holy bliss?
Farnsworth: Saving a race of one-eyed monsters? Who could object to that?

Fry: That's weird. It's another Cyclops, only this one has five eyes.
Bender: And here's another one with no eyes.
[He takes the jewels from her eyes.]

(singing) I love stealing, I love taking things!


Fry: Bender, come on. We've gotta get some dirt on Alkazar. Let's go and find out what makes the Forbidden Valley so forbidden.
Bender: Uh, no, thanks. I'm good.
Fry: But there's probably some cool forbidden stuff you can steal.
Bender: I don't know, Fry. For the first time in my life I feel like I've stolen enough.
Fry: Bender, snap out of it!
Bender: Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Let's go.

Look, Fry, I'd like to help you but it's my wedding and I'm kind of busy. Here. Try to be happy for me. That way at least one of us will be.


Alkazar: How about some coffee?
Leela: Uh, sure. How do you take that?
Alkazar: With sausage and pancakes. Kitchen's downstairs.

Futurama Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Leela: I guess I was so desperate to find out who I really was, I forgot who I really was.
Farnsworth: No harm done. In the many decades you'll work to repay me for that shipment of popcorn you destroyed, you'll have plenty of time to search for your true home.

Alkazar: How about some coffee?
Leela: Uh, sure. How do you take that?
Alkazar: With sausage and pancakes. Kitchen's downstairs.