It's just crazy that you don't know the depth of someone's power until their funeral. It's so sad.


Adam: I thought you said he was gay.
Hannah: Well I don't know now. He had gay apps on his iPhone and liked to show his ankles but what does that even mean in this day and age?

Can you believe my friend told me she died so that she didn't have to hang out with me?


My recent hijinks have really taken a toll on my GPA!


This is a space cigarette invited by Stephen Dorff. It's just water vapor and good things like that.


Ray: What did you think I did?
Marnie: I don't know, read, eat soup, write letters of complaint to local businesses?

I wanted you to tell me what's wrong with me.

Marnie [to Ray]

Ray: Maybe for the time being it would be best to keep this on the DL.
Marnie: Go fuck yourself, like I'd advertise this.

Oh I'm so sorry you won't be gracing us with your presence anymore. And I'll see you in a week when you quit whatever bullshit gig you're leaving for and come back here begging for your old job again.

Ray [to Hannah]

Could you stop saying "checking in" it's fucking weird.

Marnie [to Ray]

Look I'm trying here. I'm trying to follow the protocol of a gentleman and a squire.

Ray [to Marnie]

Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.

Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.