Beaver: I had sex with Rebecca Logan. I'm sorry. I broke the bro code. If you want to hit me, I understand.
Cappie: Wait, wait wait, is this like last year when you had sex with wonderwoman?
Beaver: I'm still not convinced I didn't.
Cappie: Remember all the rope burns when the guys were teasing you with the Lasso of Truth?
Beaver: Yeah, ok, but I'm still 75 to 25 percent sure I had sex with Rebecca.

Casey: Katherine has really smart advice. She's already gotten into Yale law and she knows what the admissions committees are looking for.
Ashleigh: But does she know you? Cause I gotta tell you, when I think of Casey Cartwright, I'm not reminded of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Cappie: Common, tell me the truth. You're going to miss all this, aren't you?
Hilgendorf: Yeah, yeah I'll miss it, but it's never the same after you leave. The truth is you can't go back. So enjoy it while you can.

Random Girl: (Reading conversation heart) Lick my --- Oh my God! Perv...
Rusty: Hmmm. My mom must have accidentally bought me the x-rated brand.
Calvin: Or the box meant for your dad - traumatic either way.

Rusty: So Katherine...
Cappie: She was at Greek softball. She's tall, pretty.
Rusty: That's good.
Cappie: Let me finish. Stern. The word "Nordic" comes to mind.
Rusty: I think I can handle that.
Cappie: I hope she's easier than your sister. Try pleasing her - rewind. Try finding the perfect gift for her.

Casey: Nice try. Lingerie is more of a gift for you than for me.
Cappie: What? It's for Beaver. Because... Beaver likes to feel pretty.

Rebecca: Evan it's way too beautiful. I feel like I'm going to turn on the news and see some dead rich girl.
Evan: Nah, I dug pretty deep.

Rusty: Whoah
Cappie: No kidding.
Casey: Stop drooling Russ.
Rusty: Hi. You look amazing.
Katherine: You look very dapper yourself. Moving on?

Katherine: I've lived my whole life for the future at the expense of the present so now i have to fit the entire college experience in one semester. And I want to be more than the geeky smart girl. Is that sad?
Rusty: Why do you think I rushed KT? I want to be more than the geeky smart girl too. I mean, guy.

Casey: Something I was a part of is actually going to the President of the United States to become a law.
Cappie: I painted flames on my turtle.

What the hell is going on here? It looks like GQ crashed into Men's Health and spilled hot guys all over our living room.


Evan: Hey Case, how's it going?
Casey: Not great. People either don't know why they should register, don't know why they should register now, or they think that I'm a front for Scientology. It was so much easier getting signatures for the Undie Run.
Rebecca: You're telling me college students are more into getting naked than voting? I'm shocked!

Greek Quotes

I do not go to the gym five times a week for my health!


But it's not the end of the world. Don't you read the scriptures I leave on your pillow? There will be signs.
