CRISTINA: "What've you got?"
MEREDITH: "Bomb in a body cavity."
CRISTINA: [shakes head] "Man! All I have is Bailey's husband's open brain."

MEREDITH: "How do you know I did something and not George?"
ALEX: "Because. Bambi looks upset and you look guilty."

[narrating] "There's an old proverb that says you can't choose your family. You take what fate handa you. And like them or not, love them or not, understand them or not, you cope. Then there's the school of thought that says the family you're born into is simply a starting point. They feed you, clothe you, and take care of you until you're ready to go out into the world. There you find your own tribe."


[to Justin] "I think you should decide to live. Live so you can become a doctor, and you can find a way to do heart transplants without someone having to die. Live so you can grow up and have kids and raise them not to believe in Santa. That would piss your mom off. Just decide to live. Because in your case, dying really isn't the best revenge."


MIRANDA: "Do not kick me!"
GEORGE: "Excuse me?"
MIRANDA: "Are you kicking me under the table, O'Malley?"
GEORGE: "No..."
MIRANDA: "Than clearly I wasn't talking to you." [looks down at her stomach] "You cannot kick me when I am doing my job. Thank you."

MEREDITH: "We know he cheated on you. That's why we let you turn the house into Santa's Freaking Village. We're not big on holidays. We're trying to be supportive, because you're having a hard time. But right now, Alex is having a harder time."
IZZIE: "Why should anybody care what kind of time Alex is having!?"
MEREDITH: "Because he's Dirty Uncle Sal!"
IZZIE: [looks confused]
MEREDITH: "Dirty Uncle Sal. The one who embarrasses everyone at holidays and family reunions and who can't be left alone with the teenage girls, but you have to invite him anyway. Look... I have a mother who doesn't recognize me and as far as family goes, you guys are it. So I know you're pissed at Alex, but maybe... maybe you could try and help him anyway. Like, in the spirit of this holiday you keep shoving down everybody's throats."

GEORGE: [helping Alex practice] "Aw, my throat! It's like, wicked soar, yo. Plus I got, like, all deez sick breakouts!"
IZZIE: "You're helping him!?" [storms off]
GEORGE: [to Alex] "I was doing mono. The whole acne thing was just being a teenager."

"When you operate, the rest of the world goes away. No thirst, pain... but it's not that way when you're sharing your body with another person."


CRISTINA: "I am a 55 year old man. I'm nauseous and I can't stop throwing up."
ALEX: "Forget it, alright. I didn't ask for anybody's help."
CRISTINA: "Look, evil spawn, you can nurse your pride -- the key word being nurse -- or you can pass your test and be a doctor. Up to you."
ALEX: [pauses] "Any abdominal pain?"
CRISTINA: "Yes, from my giant fat belly all the way to my back. Oh, and I'm drunk. Hiccup. Hiccup."

DEREK: "Do you happen to know what time of year neurosurgeons are busiest, Dr. Stevens?"
IZZIE: "There's a particular time of year?"
DEREK: "There's no hard or fast rule, but brain injuries tend to pile up around the holidays. Folks fall off roofs while they string up lights. They go skating for the first time in a decade and break their heads open. Every year people drive through blizzards to get to parties where they kiss germ infected strangers under poisonous mistletoe. Then they get drunk and smash their heads through their windshield on their way home. But there's no hard or fast rule."

PRESTON: "I believe there's a mind/body/spirit connection. If Justin really doesn't want this heart, his body will reject it."
CRISTINA: "So, let me get this straight. You not only celebrate Christmas, but you actually believe in Santa Claus?"
PRESTON: [pauses] "Go clean up."
CRISTINA: "But we're not done here."
PRESTON: "You are."

NURSE: "Chief, Adele just called."
RICHARD: "Please tell her I'm in-"
NURSE: "She knows you're not in surgery and she said to tell you, quote, we're going to our niece's school pageant this morning. You've known about it for months, and after what you pulled on Thanksgiving... then she started using a great many words that I don't feel comfortable repeating."
RICHARD: [sighs] "Look, I have seven surgeons on vacation."
NURSE: "There was something in there about divorce."

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

IZZIE: "You want us to make her seize? How do we make someone have a seizure?"
DEREK: "Get creative. Do some research."
GEORGE: "Well, if all the normal methods have failed then what are we supposed to do-"
DEREK: "Use a strobe light. Get her drunk. Hang her up upside down from the ceiling and hit her with a wiffle ball bat, for all I care. Just make her seize. 'Cause until she seizes, I don't know when to operate, and if I don't know when to operate, I can't get this woman out of my life. And this woman is not how I like to start my mornings."

CRISTINA: "I am a 55 year old man. I'm nauseous and I can't stop throwing up."
ALEX: "Forget it, alright. I didn't ask for anybody's help."
CRISTINA: "Look, evil spawn, you can nurse your pride -- the key word being nurse -- or you can pass your test and be a doctor. Up to you."
ALEX: [pauses] "Any abdominal pain?"
CRISTINA: "Yes, from my giant fat belly all the way to my back. Oh, and I'm drunk. Hiccup. Hiccup."