MEREDITH: "Obviously I can't go out with him, right?"
ALEX: "Do I look like a chick to you? Do I look like I care about yeast cream or tingling feelings? He's not on drugs or in jail or keeping body parts in his basement. If you wanna do 'em, do 'em."
MEREDITH: "Not do him. Date him. I'm not doing anybody. I'm knitting."

FINN: "So you and Derek... are you together?"
MEREDITH: "Uhhh... Derek and I are, um, just friends. He's married and I am knitting a sweater. And, um, well, I guess I'm rambling which I tend to do a lot lately and I just wish that someone would just tell me to shut... My point is uh ... we're, um... he's married and I'm knitting a sweater."
FINN: "I see. So, you're single?"
MEREDITH: "Single?"
FINN: "I ask because I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."
MEREDITH: "Out, with you?"
FINN: "On a date. Tonight."
MEREDITH: "A date? Tonight?"
FINN: "And you're repeating everything I say so you can buy yourself some time and figure out a way to let me down easy. It's okay, you know, I get it."
MEREDITH: "No. I... I... um... you know you're very... it's just that if I were, you would... Not dating!"

"Sometimes people do desperate things to get someone's attention. But there are two sides to every story."


"When you're feeling emotional... sometimes it's hard to keep a level head and consider all the facts."


DEREK: "Addison and I are over, Adele."
ADDISON: "Oh, it's not like we're divorced."
DEREK: "We're practically divorced."
ADELE: [to Addison] "You've had counseling?"
DEREK: "We've had adultery. That was enough."

[to George] "What are you doing with Olivia? You're letting her think you're emotionally available. You're letting her think she has a chance. And there is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance when you really don't."


ADDISON: "We got successful, you and me. We got busy and we got lazy. We didn't even bother to fight anymore, Derek. Mark was there and I missed you and now I'm sorry. I'm more sorry than you could possibly imagine, but at least I'm talking to you about it."
DEREK: "I'm a sink with an open drain, Addie."

RICHARD: "You called my wife?"
DEREK: "You called mine!"

MEREDITH: [to Derek] "I am a sink with an open drain, and anything you say runs straight out." [storms off]
GEORGE: "She probably could have used a better metaphor."
IZZIE: "Give her a break, she's got a hangover."

MEREDITH: "It's not us. It's them. Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they have a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you."
CRISTINA: "It's not that Burke broke up with me. It's how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business trans- Like he was the boss of me!"
MEREDITH: "He is the boss of you."
CRISTINA: "What's worse is that I care."

[narrating] "I have an aunt who whenever she poured anything for you she would say 'Say when.' My aunt would say 'say when," and of course, we never did. We don't say when because there's something about the possibility, of more. More tequila, more love. More anything. More is better."


"To be a good surgeon you have to think like a surgeon. Emotions are messy. Tuck them neatly away and step into a clean sterile room where the procedure is simple. Cut, suture, and close. But sometimes you’re faced with a cut that won’t heal. A cut that rips its stitches wide open. They say that practice makes perfect."


Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."


MEREDITH: "Hey, why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
CRISTINA: "Why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
MEREDITH: "No reason."
CRISTINA: "No reason." [pause] "Burke thinks I moved in with him."
MEREDITH: "McDreamy and I have a case. Wait. He thinks you moved in with him?"
CRISTINA: "You're calling him McDreamy again?"
CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "What are YOU doing?"