CALLIE: "I get it, I get it, you're crying, you're depressed and I know we all deal in different ways, but this is not grieving, this is my legs being bent in ways my legs do not go. And I know, I know his dad died, and I get it, I feel horrible for him."
IZZIE: "I can give you guys some privacy, I can go far far away..."
CALLIE: "No no! No! No! You stay. You take over me, okay?"
IZZIE: "Callie Torres!
CALLIE: "No! I don't- Not like that, I mean. I am giving him to you. You are now officially on George Watch 2007, Okay? You are his friend. Yay! And I need a break. I need to heal. I need to heal."
IZZIE: "No! No! What am I supposed to do?"

IZZIE: "George, can I come in? I made you some cookies and brownies and muffins, of course. I always make muffins."
CALLIE: [runs out the door] "Thank God you're here. I can't take it anymore. Three times already tonight, and he's getting ready for a fourth."
IZZIE: "What are you talking about? Oh. Oh, ew."

[narrating] "No one believes that their life will turn out just kind of okay. We all think we are going to be great. And from the day we decide to be surgeons, we are filled with expectation. Great expectations of who we will be, where we will go. And then... we get there."


"So you're together but you don't talk to each other. Wish I could find that in a woman."


CALLIE: "George kissed me. Yesterday. One minute he's holding a urine bag, the next minute he's kissing me. You think he's just freaking out about his dad? Yeah, you're right, he's probably just freaking out, I shouldn't hold him to it."
ADDISON: "What?"
CALLIE: "Did you not hear a word I said? I'm pouring my heart out here. Jeez, it's all about you isn't it? It's all about- Everything's about Addison."
ADDISON: "I aborted Mark's baby."
CALLIE: "It is all about you. Floor's all yours."

MEREDITH: "You're the messy one."
CRISTINA: "No, no, my apartment's messy, my locker's messy, but I am not messy. Sometimes you have like food and stuff in your hair."
IZZIE: "Food. Band-aids on your face. I still can see that indentation from the nose strip you were wearing last night."

MEREDITH: "How am I related to that man?"
CRISTINA: "What do you mean?"
MEREDITH: "Look at him. He's a mess."
IZZIE: "Yeah?"
MEREDITH: "He's a disaster. He's a stumbling, mumbling, clumsy disaster, with whom I have absolutely nothing in common. Not one thing."
IZZIE: "I hate to break this to you."
CRISTINA: "You do your own share of stammering yourself.
IZZIE: "Yeah, that nervous talking you do? It's actually a lot like him."
CRISTINA: "Uh-huh. Uh-huh."
MEREDITH: "No, it's not."

IZZIE: "You made me burn my french toast."
GEORGE: "You can buy new french toast!"

IZZIE: "It's at the bank, okay George? So just shut up about it already."
GEORGE: "It's at the bank? It's earning interest?"
IZZIE: "Did I just not say shut up about it already?"
GEORGE: "Izzie. It's real now. Money could travel. It could buy things. It could buy many, many things. That's a- It's a lot of money, Izzie!"
IZZIE: "Shut up about it, George!"
GEORGE: "I'm just saying. I'm just saying life is short. You know it's like cancer happens and surgery happens and you know, you got... rosebuds! You got 8.7 million rosebuds, Izzie! Now go spend some rosebuds, that's what I'm saying."

MARK: "Isn't it the same with all men?"
CALLIE: "No. Some men just like kids. To uh, to some men, family is everything."
MARK: "And you know these men?"
CALLIE: "I do. I know one."
MARK: "I would've made a terrible father."

MARK: "You think I'd be a terrible father?"
CALLIE: "I don't.. I don't.. Okay, do you like kids?"
MARK: "I don't know. It depends on how loud they are."
CALLIE: "Okay, do you like your family? I mean, are you a family kind of guy?"
MARK: "I don't really have a family. Derek... Derek was my family."
CALLIE: "Okay, well, what about birthdays and anniversaries. Do you remember those sorts of things?"
MARK: "No. I don't know. Sometimes."

MEREDITH: "Do you snore?"
MEREDITH: "It appears that I snore. My mother never did, so I was just... Forget it."
THATCHER: "I snore. I snore like a trucker. You get that from me. The wax earplugs work pretty good."
MEREDITH: "Thanks."

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Quotes

I wanted to come over here this morning to tell you... But now all I want to tell you is that I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you forever. And now you have a choice to make. I want you to take all the time you need, I don't want to rush you, but I love you. Just take your time. Because when I had to make a choice... I chose wrong.


What, so all of a sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?
