MEREDITH: "If you called me here to lecture me..."
RICHARD: "There's a copy of the interns' exam on the table. And a #2 pencil and a bottle of water and a sandwich if you get hungry. I assigned a proctor and I will come back in a few hours to check on you."
MEREDITH: "You're not my father."
RICHARD: [hugs her] "I know that. I know."

IZZIE: "Here she is."
RICHARD: "Thank you Stevens. You can go out."
IZZIE: "I will be waiting right outside."
MEREDITH: "You don't have to."
IZZIE: "Shut up."

GEORGE: "It's like we're going on a train that's going 200 miles an hour... It'd be so nice to get off... to stand on the platform for just a minute."
MEREDITH: "Looks like I'm off the train."

RICHARD: "You're not to blame for Susan Grey's death and you know that, and your father knows it too. He's just... well, he's never been the best communicator. And he just lost his wife."
MEREDITH: "Stop acting like my surrogate father."
RICHARD: "Meredith, I'm, um..."
MEREDITH: "Just because you slept with my mother... That does not make you my father!"

THATCHER: "She trusted you. She came to you for help and you killed her. You did. You killed my wife, you took her family!"
MOLLY: "Dad!"
THATCHER: "So, I don't wanna, wanna see you... I don't wanna hear from you and I do not want you or any one of you! You understand me? Do you understand me?"
MOLLY: "Dad, Dad! Come on. This... we have to go."
THATCHER: "She was everything to me, all I had. She was all I had! She was all I had!"

MEREDITH: "I was just on my way..."
THATCHER: "No, I came here to tell... You are not invited. I don't want you to come, Meredith."
RICHARD: "But she wants to come..."

IZZIE: "Just forget about you and me for a second. What about Meredith? What about Alex and Christina? Who's gonna hold us together if you're not here? You're the glue. You're George."
GEORGE: "I can't stay here."
IZZIE: "No one's making you go.'
GEORGE: "I can't stay here and see you everyday, and I... I can't keep kissing you in elevators."
IZZIE: "I know, I know that."
GEORGE: "I'm married... I'm a married man."

IZZIE: "You don't have to do this. You don't have to transfer to Mercy West."
GEORGE: "Yeah, I do."

PRESTON: "We have been through a lot this year."
DEREK: "And everybody else turned you down. Alright, what do I have to do?"
RICHARD: "Well, traditionally, the best man plans the bachelor party."
DEREK: "Drinks at Joe's after work."
PRESTON: "I knew you were the man for the job."

PRESTON: "Actually, Chief..."
DEREK: "You can't be his best man!"
RICHARD: "Why not?"
DEREK: "It's unethical; it's a conflict of interest. The man wants to be Chief of Surgery."
PRESTON: "Actually, Derek..."
DEREK: "Not that that's why you're asking..."
PRESTON: "I was going to ask you."
DEREK: "Ask me what? [pauses] Oh! Really?"

RICHARD: "Tomorrow's a big day."
PRESTON: "And apart from the fact that Cristina hasn't written her vows, my best man just cancelled, and it's still raining."
DEREK: "He's not ready."
RICHARD: "You're never ready. I certainly wasn't. And then, the minute I saw Adele coming down that aisle... Well. Have you picked your best man?"

RICHARD: "So, how you feeling, Preston? You ready?"
PRESTON: "Well, I'm always ready for surgery."
DEREK: "I think he's talking about the wedding."

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Quotes

I wanted to come over here this morning to tell you... But now all I want to tell you is that I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you forever. And now you have a choice to make. I want you to take all the time you need, I don't want to rush you, but I love you. Just take your time. Because when I had to make a choice... I chose wrong.


What, so all of a sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?
