Steve: I'm going to teach these how to kill and gut a pig tonight Danny.
Danny: That's actually a horror film.

Danny: What are the odds I get her phone number?
Steve: Zero.
Danny: Ah.

Max: I know it's not as elaborate as we had planned.
Sabrina: Max come here.
Max: [leans down]
Sabrina: [whispers] Its perfect [kisses his cheek]

Danny I really want to thank you for everything. And enjoy the time with your daughter. Little girls need their daddys. They grow up very fast.


You're going to get your wish Cordova. You're going to die, but you're going to die in prison.


Cordova: Do it. I'm dying anyway. There's nobody here. Nobody will ever know what went down. Call it self-defense.
Steve: There is no way I'm going to make it that easy for you.
Cordova: It's like this or I go out the slow way. I'm tired of that option. So you pull the trigger or I will.

Chin: I reached out to an FBI contact that recommends we try vascular mapping.
Steve: What is it?
Chin: It's when you isolate a suspect vain pattern and running it against the Federal database, just like a fingerprint.

Olivia: I was referring to your reading comprehension skills. Topped out at what, fifth grade level?
Steve: Don't worry I have a dictionary standing by.

Danny: It's a theory
Steve: It's my gut.
Danny: Does your gut have any evidence we can bring to a prosecutor?

Olivia: You have some issues huh?
Steve: Maybe, but murder is not one of them.

I'm Five O, they don't have the password I do.


Toast: I can't do this [takes off running]
Danny: Ok, plan B.
Toast: [runs past Danny] This is why you have a Plan B!

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.