What if this girl knows so much about the murder because she was there?

McGarrett [to Junior]

I've been where you are, and I know the most important thing is to have someone in your corner.

Grover [to Brad]

Eric: Not really, [Danny] just psychologically scarred me for life.
McGarrett: He has that effect on some people.

That's very Cyrano of you.

McGarrett [to Harry]

Aside from my brother, these are the only family I have, and I can't risk losing them.

Tani [to Keo]

McGarrett: Hey, Tani. You're fitting in just fine around here.
Tani: Mahalo.

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[Police work] is a hard job to do, and a harder job to let go.

Harry [to Danny]

Haku: I just want to go to sleep.
Grover: What do you want to go to sleep for? We're just getting to know each other.

McGarrett: Would you please just admit you had a good time?
Warren: As much as you did.

I had to pay for the booze, and the Williams are a family of drinkers.

Future Grover [to Future Danny]

Adam: At the end of the day, I get to come home to my beautiful smoke-show of a wife.
Kono: Your what?
Adam: That's what the guys are calling you.

McNeil: No one ever retires from the Yakuza.
Adam: Well. there's an exception to every rule.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.