You're a thrill a minute Raylan. We need to sell tickets!


Art: Hell of a shot. Did you consider what might have happened if you missed?
Tim: I can't carry a tune, I don't know how to shoot a basketball, and my handwriting is barely legible, but I don't miss.

You know Boyd...for a guy who supposedly changed, you sound an awful lot like you always did.


Without me pointing a gun at you, you wouldn't be alive today.


Raylan: I saw a man threaten to shoot a pregnant woman through the belly, just before a bullet went through his brain so...I guess you could say, it wasn't good.
Winona: I can handle that Raylan. I can't handle silence.

She left you for me once, Raylan


Jess, you ever hear about a spot snipers call "the apricot"? It's where the brain stem meets the spine. Hit a fella there, he ain't gonna pull no trigger. It's just (click), lights out.


You know, if I wasn't about to go through childbirth, I'd really be enjoying this buzz.


Raylan: Nice touch making the appointment.
Jess: Thank you kindly there Marshall. Guess this ain't my first rodeo.

Winona: Sometimes I look at you and I never wanna see you again.
Raylan: Other times?
Winona: There are no other times, just that...Raylan...other times I wanna run away with you to Costa Rica.

I never had a girl. Just those damn boys. I'm looking forward to our time together, Loretta.


Arlo: I hope you get cancer!
Helen: Already had it!
Arlo: I hope you get it again!

Justified Season 2 Quotes

Don't get me wrong, I have no moral objection to you killing her. You understand miss, the life you've led.


Boyd: I wouldn't call it an execution. More like retribution, she killed my daddy.
Raylan: That's what you wanted to do.