Parker: The spring rolls sneak up on you. The flavors come from somewhere else. Like a secret passage in the back of my, what's it called, palette.
Hardison: Air duct, got it.

Hope: Chef, I am out of these purple tomatoes.
Eliot: Hope, those are red onions.

Eliot: Nate, it's not drugs Lampart is dealing. It's bigger, a lot bigger.
Nate: If it's not drugs, what is it?
Eliot: Truffles.

Whitney: What's your name?
Eliot: Chef.

Eliot: Hardison, delivery.
Eliot: You gotta tip the guy.
Hardison: Here 2 quarters, 2 pennies. Go buy your mama something.

He's one of the guys that kept me from falling all the way down, and now I'm asking the other guy to understand why I'm gonna help him.


He showed me I could use my knife to create instead of destroy.


Metz: I can't thank you enough.
Nate: Well, you know I should be thanking you.
Metz: For what?
Nate: For reminding to listen; I appreciate it.

Hardison: You know the difference between us and them?
Parker: hmm?
Hardison: We make this look good.

Nate: Stop. You knew?
Sophie: I listened.
Nate: Ok. We need to fix. We need to get our clients reputation back.
Parker: How do we do that?
Nate: By making Kanack insane.

Nate: It's not about the money. It was never about the money. You want your reputation back.
Metz: I appreciate the help. Thanks for trying.

Kanack: Look, all I care about is the signal we received. Do you think you can decipher it? Mr?
Eliot: Riker, Willy Riker. Willy Riker is my full name.

Leverage Season 5 Quotes

Eliot: Well, you just can't setup shop in the back of someone's restaurant.
Hardison: Of course not. That's why I bought the Microbrewery. What? No he didn't?
Parker: Yes, he did.
Hardison: We brew our own beer now.
Parker: Yeah, and we are calling it, Thief Juice. Tastes like bad guys.

Sophie: Excuse me, what is this place?
Hardison: Oh This? This is Leverage Inc. Portland branch, come on baby.