Sophie: Why would someone dedicate so much time listening to nothing?
Nate: For the hope of what they might hear.

Parker: I win. I want to go bunging jumping.
Hardison: We already did that.
Parker: Not off a hot air balloon.
Hardison: I seriously need to win one of these bets.

Parker: I'm going thru the vents. Bet I get there first.
Hardison. No, I don't think that's a good idea.
Parker: Winner gets to choose our next date. Ready- set- go.
Hardison: Wait. I wasn't ready.

Nate: We can have the research back in 2 hours. Right Hardison? Hardison?
Hardison: Less. I would actually like to enjoy the rest of my Sunday.
Parker: He wants to get to his online Orc battle.

Elliot: What kind of guy names a toilet after himself?
Sophie: Someone who cares more about fame and then respect, that's for sure.

Nate: So, is it some place warm?
Sophie: I don't remember.
Nate: Is it Boston?
Sophie: Nate, I don't remember.
Nate: You sure it's the Stanley Cup?
Sophie: That I remember.
Nate: Where was the last place you remember not having it?
Sophie: I don't remember.

Nate:What the hell just happened?
Vlad: You did too good a job.
Nate: Thanks Vlad.

Parker: Did I fall asleep again?
Hardison: Yeah.
Parker: How did the movie end?
Hardison: Soiliet Green as people.

Nate: What did you steal?
Sophia: Something hockey related, a certain trophy.
Nate: No, you didn't. Not the Stanley Cup. No I saw it last year in Boston.
Sophie: That was a fake. Not a very good one. No, no no, my engrave was awful.
Nate: Ok, so where's the real one?
Sophie: I don't remember.

Hardison: I don't like lying to them Nate, especially Parker.
Nate: It's for the best. Everything set?
Hardison: Almost. Locking in the money right now. You sure about this?
Nate: All good things come to an end Hardison. By the way, thank you.

Parker: Drink our juice.
Sophie: Do we have to?
Parker: Yes.
Nate: It's very interesting.
Elliot: You kidding me with this? You can't server this to people.

I'm only going to say this once boys, give me the... teddy bear.


Leverage Season 5 Quotes

Eliot: Well, you just can't setup shop in the back of someone's restaurant.
Hardison: Of course not. That's why I bought the Microbrewery. What? No he didn't?
Parker: Yes, he did.
Hardison: We brew our own beer now.
Parker: Yeah, and we are calling it, Thief Juice. Tastes like bad guys.

Sophie: Excuse me, what is this place?
Hardison: Oh This? This is Leverage Inc. Portland branch, come on baby.