Now, have you ever had experience being funny?

Dahl [To Louie]

This is bullshit.

Louie [Upon seeing yet another hot woman strut by on the beach]

You know how many dicks I sucked that I didn't want to suck? Because I'm a good kid. Because I do what's right. I never left anyone hanging how dare you?


Intimate? Me sucking your dick isn't intimate?


You want me to give you raw meat in a bowl? Your mother gives you that?

Louie [to Never]

I know we're not friends, but I know you're the only person at this school who I can confide in and trust.

Never's Mom

Hey Robby, you gotta come down and check out the tits on this new Chilean broad down at Sweet Charity.

Robin [impersonating Barne]

My mom says any choice I make is okay because I love myself.


If you go with me, I promise to give you a blowjob...I'm not asking for charity from you. I don't need your help. I'm just saying if you offer it, I'll suck your... dick.


Louie Quotes

That's young nervous penis. When you're 24 and single, your penis is like the young, nervous guy in the World War II movie in the foxhole. Any sound your penis hears, it's like, 'WHAT WAS THAT?!? LET'S GO! LET'S GO LET'S GO! I'm married in my 50s. My penis is relaxed. My penis is sitting in the chair, smoking a pipe, reading the paper. My penis is like Bing Crosby. It hears a noise it's like 'I think I heard a noise, could be a hand, could be a vagina, bub bub bub.


This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, and my dad hung himself in front of me, while masturbating.
