Dr. Masters and I were just discussing, well he has his way and I have mine. He may know what's best for his patients' babies, but here at home that is my domain.


There is no more qualified gem than me, Bill.


There is only a shred of me left that still feels like a woman. You can't take that from me. I won't let you.

Margaret [to Barton]

That's why I love you. After all these years you still surprise me.

Libby [to Bill]

Essie: Like a fresh start, a beautiful baby boy brought into this world to save us all.
Bill: He's not Jesus mother.

How could you possibly interpret what's happened here?

Virgina [to Bill]

Ever since the presentation I'm propositioned a dozen times a day. I get notes on my windshield. Just today somebody left a dildo on my desk.


I finally realized there's one thing I can't live without. You.

William [to Virginia]

Masters study will continue. We could too.


God help me, you always could bend the universe to your well.

Barton [to William]

If you had just discovered after 30 years that I was a martian, the least I could do was explain to you life on mars.


I think it'll help is everybody's a little looped.


Masters of Sex Quotes

I think women often confuse love with physical attraction.


Women fake orgasms, maybe all of em. Although I haven't checked my clipboard lately
