I don't get how one dog keeps you awake when you grew up sleeping through cockfights and revolutions.

Jay [to Glorida]

Well, my white-man name is Tucker. I am 1/16 Cherokee. Ready for child to soar like eagle.


Don't take this the wrong way, but I have almost no faith in you.


Jay: Don't most kids drink soda?
Manny: Who knows what they do?

Disabled inter-racial lesbians? With an African-American kicker? I did not see that coming.


She's always had a certain comfort level with... killing.

Jay [on Gloria]

Mitchell: She wants us to buy Lily a Blackberry.
Cam: She doesn't have the dexterity for that!

Leave it to the gays to raise the only underachieving Asian in America.


I hate it when you do that. You never heard of Troga? You never tried octopus? You never did this amazing thing I just discovered yesterday but I pretend like I've done my whole life?


I see the great realtor Margaret Wilson is here, looking more curvaceous than ever. Talk about your balloon payments.


Luke: I've heard The Jonas Brothers get nervous before every show.
Phil: Not Kevin.
Luke: Especially Kevin!

I'm lucky only one guy turned around.

Jay [on calling out "Carlos!"]

Modern Family Season 2 Quotes

Manny: Kelly's moving her stuff into my notebook.
Kelly: It just felt right.

Every home-improvement project we've undertaken has been a near-death experience.
