Sullivan: You know what they say: The bigger the truck ...
Kensi: The dumber the driver.

Nell: Hetty knows everything I think.
Eric: That's what I thought.

I don't know what I saw last night. But it wasn't a bird that took down my jet.

to Callen}

You're chronically late to the party.

Sam [to Kensi]

Eric: Hey, hey wait. I'm gonna get my tights.
Nell: They're leggings. Oh and don't forget your ears.

A man with no friends doesn't have to worry about them turning into enemies.


Baked cookies my ass!


Who smelt it?


I'm good. You know what -- I'm better than good. I haven't wet the bed in over a week and the voices in my head are all but gone away. "Shut up" "No, you shut up."


My family.

Callen [in Russian]

We're gonna figure this out. All we have to do is talk about it.


Anybody want to put a leash on him before we go another round right here?
