Callen: Somewhere Granger is laughing.
Sam: Can't hear it. We're dead.

Don't you have a jacket or something? I don't need the whole neighborhood checking out my wife.


It's Rob and Bob. I should have known. Their macaroons sucked, no way they are gay.


Sam: You were a magician once.
Callen: Not magician, illusionist.
Sam: You bought a white rabbit, G.
Callen: It came with the hat.

Hetty to Eric on how he stopped the video: How did you do that!?
Eric:(I was just as lost as Hetty so i didnt catch what he said lol)
Hetty:In ENGLISH Mr. Eric!
Eric: I broke the internet.
Kensi:Seriously? Like the whole internet?
Eric: Yep.
Deeks: Even Twitter!?

Kensi: And, take that off.
Deeks: All right.
Kensi: (gasps) Oh, my God, not your pants.
Deeks: What? Oh, my bad. Thought you wanted me to take my pants off.
Kensi: I can't believe you just did that.

Can you do me a favor, Fern? Can you burn that shirt for me?


Hetty: Then that's what you should do, stay out of their way and find Mr. Deeks.
Callen: Their not going to like it if they catch us.
Hetty: Then don't get caught.

You know what's crazy? You look just like my dad.

Alessandra [to Deeks]

Callen: SEALs don't kill for jealousy.
Sam: But they would kill a traitor.

Easy Wonder Twins, you're scaring the old folks.


Kensi: Because once again you're trying to say something without actually saying it. And it's driving me nuts.
Deeks: I think you lost me.
Kensi: No. I don't think I did. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Deeks: Do I?
Kensi: Damn it, Deeks, you asked me out on a date without actually asking me out on a date. Now, if this keeps going this way and we can't communicate, and we've been over this -- you never say what you mean, and if this is the way it's gonna be, then I don't know how we're ever gonna --
Deeks: I don't want to be here with you right now.
Kensi: What?
Deeks: I want to be at my place, right now ... with you.