Deeks: This is supposed to be you and I against -
Kip: Yeah, that was before you accused your best friend of murder.

Some people actually take the chain of command seriously.


No one ever pushed me. People push you when they care.


Wow, well, he's a few crayons short of a full box.


The level at which you understand marriage is outstanding.


Kensi: I think he'll love it because it's coming from you.
Deeks: Not saying he wouldn't enjoy a leather gym bag even more though.

The guy put a gun to her head, I want to have a little talk with him.


The malware here is the worst of the worst. It's the stuff of nightmares.


Deeks: There's a great hotel there that takes dogs if you want to come.
Kensi: Um, oh, wow.

You're firing on all cylinder huh?


Rex had to have placed that thumb drive somewhere on Jo.


Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.