Oh, look at the time! It's butt-o-clock!


Nick doesn't have a life plan. He doesn't have a day plan. I once found a note that he wrote to himself that said, "Put on pants."


I call it a "Temple Grandin," because it makes me friendly and compassionate.


Nick isn't even a man. He's some kind of man-boy, man-child hybrid. The other day, I had to tell him not to pull a dog's tail.


Schmidt, you stole my toothpaste while I was using it. That's vindictive.


And it was you, not Keaton, who told me that women aren't attracted to men who wear maternity pants?


My mom? You're going to tell me that my mom helped me with my public erections? I drew pictures!


I just got a treat, too. It's not candy. I'm not a dumb little baby like you.


He lost five pounds, he gained confidence with women, and he saw the movie "Multiplicity" 25 times.


I stole that from Nelson Mandela. I added the part about the Penguin and the Riddler.


Winston: Schmidt, you can't move out! Who's gonna do my fades?!
Jess: Yeah, who's gonna do his fades?!

I'm having a party tonight and I can't have him lying on the couch, wiping his tears with deli meat.


New Girl Season 3 Quotes

Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?


Puzzle me this then, Winston-- how do you live with yourself?
