Akalitus: Welcome back to All Saints.
Eddie: I'm gonna rock this shit.
Akalitus: I wish you wouldn't.

There can be no secrets in this house.

Jackie: Go be with your girlfriend.
Eddie: She's not my girlfriend. You know who my girlfriend is.

O'Hara: If you and Kevin die in a fiery plane crash, they will be mine.
Jackie: We don't get away much.
O'Hara: So let me pay for a trip!

Jackie: Coffee, banana, Vicodin.
O'Hara: Breakfast of champions.

How am I supposed to help her if everything is a secret?

It's no fun to talk about money when you don't have it.

If I believed in crying at work, I'd be tearing up. I'm thrilled!


I'm like a shark, man. If I'm not moving, I'm dying.


Akalitus: Zoey Barkow, you want the shift?
Zoey: I'm so flattered.
Akalitus: Don't be here. You just got here first.
Zoey: I'm still flattered.

What can I say? I like being your girl.

For whatever it's worth, it is possible to love more than one person at a time. I love Kevin and I love Eddie. I might love Eddie.

Nurse Jackie Quotes

Don't ever say "ta-da." The only people that say "ta-da" are magicians or idiots.

Jackie Peyton

Percoset should never be crushed and chewed, unless you want it to hit your system like a bolt of lightening. Which is only a problem if you're afraid of lightening.

Jackie Peyton