Keep an eye on this one, he's a scamp.


Tower: Clipper 22, Tower. Your special delivery just arrived, Sir.
Dean: Thanks Tower. That's our girl!

Ted: Did you Just fly in on a helicopter?
Maggie: Well, I like to make an entrance.

See that table over there? That is natural selection at work, my friend. They don't know that they're a new breed of woman. They just had a natural impulse. To take flight.


Kate: I don't know, I couldn't see through all the smoke.
Laura: Smoke?
Kate: Yes, mother was breathing fire.

I assume if there's an ideal weight for serving drinks, then surely there's an ideal weight for looking down one's nose.


I am NOT included in the price of your ticket!


Kate: Laura will be fine.
Mom: How do you know that?
Kate: Because I needed you, too, and I'm fine.

Berlin? Is it as beautiful as it is in the pictures?


Michael: There are certain things about Kennedy that..
George: Are not to be shared with the civilian population.
Maggie: Oh, come on.
Michael: The other girls, would they be stewardesses?

Laura: Ted, what are you doing?
Ted: Scouting!
Laura: You look like Gene Kelly!

Maggie, he likes stewardesses, and we're stewardesses. And we're Pan Am. Who can turn down Pan Am?


Pan Am Quotes

Tower: Clipper 22, Tower. Your special delivery just arrived, Sir.
Dean: Thanks Tower. That's our girl!

Thanks, Ted, but Pan Am wants actual pilots in the left seat.
