Anne, I always forget because you're so pretty you're not used to rejection.


His real name is Dante Fiero, but he changed it to Dennis Feinstein 'cause that's way more exotic in Pawnee.


Oh, I love any book about vampires, werewolves, monsters, zombies, sorcerers, beasties or, time-traveling romances. And if I had an hour alone with Robert Pattinson, he would forget all about Skinny legs Magee. I'll tell you that much.


Leslie: You're literally listening to turkey calls.
Ron: Is this-is this not rap?
Leslie: Come on.

(singing while drunk) Soul Sister, Soul Sister, better get that dough sister! Sweet Lady Marmalarde.

Leslie Knope

I don't know what it is about big, outdoor gatherings that makes everyone wanna urinate all over everything. But it does. And they do.


You are an unstoppable good idea machine!


Chris: I had a dream. That she came into this room. Stole all my flu medicine and told me not to tell you and disappeared through that hole in the wall.
Ann: The door?

Hey, Leslie. I have an idea. Why don't we put Eduardo in there and seal the top so that he suffocates and dies.


They put a popcorn machine up there just to brighten things up, but they used the wrong kind of oil and a bunch of people had to get their throats replaced.


In a town as old as Pawnee there's a lot of history in every acre. This wooded area is the site of the murder, actually, of Nathanial Bixby Mark. He was a pioneer who was killed by a tribe of Wamapoke Indians. He traded them a baby for the city that is now Indianapolis. They cut his face off and made it into a dreamcatcher. And they made his legs into rainsticks. That's the great thing about Indians, back then, is they used every part of the pioneer.


There isn't a woman alive who doesn't love diamonds. Even the super left wing chicks who saw Blood Diamond and cried. When they get a diamond, they like, "yeah, bitch, get more of them blood diamonds. Make 'em extra bloody."


Parks & Rec Quotes

Leslie: I know you're not gay.
Tom: No, I'm not.
Leslie: But you're effeminate.
Tom: What?
Leslie: Well, you're wearing a peach shirt with a coiled snake on it.
Tom: That's because it was featured in Details magazine, and it's awesome.

Look, Tammy and I don't work. We are oil and water. Or oil and TNT and C4 and a detonator and a butane torch.
