Spencer: If a Hastings has a shot, she takes a shot.
Maya: Is that a drinking game?
Spencer: It should be.

Emily: Do you want your own?
Maya: I'd rather share yours.

Try to remember Alison as the beautiful girl you knew.


Aria: Have you found a way to forget?!?
Spencer: Aria, it was an accident.

Telling the police now about what happened to Jenna isn't gonna make Jenna see again. It will just ruin our lives.


I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything.

Wren: You probably have a fluid build-up in your bursa sack.
Spencer: You probably say that to all the girls.

Ezra: I'm your teacher.
Aria: I know it's not just me. You feel that this is right for us, too.

You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery.


If you're a big jock, does that mean you'd kill me if I smoked a little weed?


Emily: We all know she's dead, right?
Aria: Right. I just never heard anyone say it.

She's gone, but she's everywhere.


Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
