What good is right or wrong if you're dead?


I hope your wings are strong, you vulture. You will be circling for quite some time.

Mary [to Nicholas]

Francis: Hardly a day goes by where I don't wish someone else were making the decisions.
Charles: But you always seem so confident...
Francis: Remember! Being King's a performance.

Mary, you've done enough. You've fought so hard for me. All that's left is to enjoy my final hours.


I love you, and I thank God for the time we've had.

Francis [to Mary]

Francis: Whisper me our future.
Mary: I can't bear to think about a future anymore, not without you.
Francis: Then keep me in it. Tell me about our happy life.

Bash: And what's the price of a King's life? Yours?
Mary: If the price is my life, I will give it.

Francis: You are so beautiful. If you could see what I see...
Mary: I am quite happy with my view.

Francis: Your birthright is your most precious possession. Think twice before trading it.
Mary: You are my most precious possession.

We have been given a miraculous second chance. I won't waste it.

Mary [to Francis]

We were meant to be happy, and we were, but I have another fate, predicted long ago.

Francis [to Mary]

Maybe there is no magic but what we make for ourselves.

Francis [to Mary]

Reign Quotes

My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.

Queen Catherine

Love is irrelevant to people like us.
